Stephanie at the Cabin

Let me tell you about Stephanie at the cabin.  Her time at the Cabin is significantly different than Gary’s . While Gary concentrates on The List, Steph concentrates on Documentation. Oh, she stays on top of the dishes and even manages to put food on the table, but her main job is watching Spring spring. For example, every morning on her first trip to the outhouse (or maybe on the way back depending on the (ahem) urgency of the trip, she pauses to take a picture of the morning.
First Morning
Final Morning
Proof that spring has sprung!
She always takes the classic Cabin reflection photo –
It’s not just because it’s one of her favorite views, but it’s also fun to see the progression of the landscape over the years –
May 2011 –
Cabin May 2011-11
May 2017
See – documentation of these changes is important!
She also documents other signs of spring at the Cabin –
the first sighting of a Jack in the Pulpit –
the bluets that dot the lawn before that first mowingIMG_6640
and then the buttercups that spring up after that first cut.
And of course, there are those pear trees – which can only be seen in bloom in early May.
If she wasn’t there to document it, how would we know how beautiful that is?
This year, she also took a moment (I think it was when they were all packed up to go, and the interior was all neat and tidy) to document the interior –

Untitled Untitled
Untitled Untitled
Untitled Untitled

They cram a fair bit of stuff (and memories) into that little space, don’t they?

Stephanie is also always at the ready for when Gary needs that extra hand. Ok, it’s not that often, but she’s READY! And as you can see from the previous post, she also documents what Gary is doing.
Aside from the important(ish) documenting that Stephanie did this spring, she also freshened and tidied up different areas of the cabin – like the Game Shelf.
Before –
After –
=) Sometimes it’s the little things that count!
Oh – and she keeps track of the sunsets!

Yes, Stephanie’s time at the cabin is a fair bit different than Gary’s. But somehow it seems to work for both of them, and there’s no point in trying to change them at this point!
Thanks for stopping by,
A casual observer

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