How could I forget to mention…

I’ve been so busy trying to figure out how to capture all of the Fabulous Family Fun from last month, that I totally forgot to mention that this past Thursday, August 1st, was our 20th anniversary of setting out on the crazy-wonderful adventure we call life these days!
Twenty years ago two fifty-something (mostly) empty-nesters quit their jobs and ran away from home! In these twenty years we’ve traveled through (and stayed at least one night in) every state except North Dakota and Hawaii (waiting for the bridge). Our one year sabbatical (maybe two if we were careful with our funds) to celebrate staying married through raising children, renovating a pre-Civil War home and owning a small business turned (in God’s kindness) into twenty years of ministry! We’ve met the most wonderful people, seen some of the most beautiful places in this country, and seen God at work in all of the nooks and crannies of this great land! What a marvelous adventure we’ve been blessed to be a part of!

There might just a bit of reflection this month as we begin year Twenty-One!

Thanks for stopping by –

5 thoughts on “How could I forget to mention…”

  1. Congratulations on this momentous milestone marker and happy SOWER anniversary! Grateful to God for your million hours of service, leadership, and mentorship. I’m certain we are just two on tje long list of those who are so glad our paths crossed on the journey. Godspeed, friends, until we meet again. S&P

  2. God has truly blessed you over all the years???? I remember seeing the big rig in the parking lot at FBC in Doylestown and thinking you were crazy! BUT God was in all of this and you have served HIS Kingdom in amazing ways??? I can only imagine the saints you have touched greeting you in heaven someday??

  3. I did not mean to put question marks on this post but somehow my emojis turned into those and it won’t let me edit this post?

  4. So happy for you guys, congratulations on the 20 years on the road and blessing many places and people along the way.

  5. I remember that day that you two were leaving. I drove up to say goodbye and Gary gave me a tour of Lizzie. Seems like two months ago! Time to write your book, Steph, and time for us to treat you to lunch at Bonefish Grille! Hope that happens someday. Love you and what you have done for the twenty years since you followed and trusted the Lord’s lead to serve Him.

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