Laundry Update

Remember the laundry room?
Now I’ll confess that I am generally considered a “Party Worker”. Let me tackle a job with a group of friends, and the day goes quickly and the job gets done. While Gary is in his element working alone, it’s not my favorite. But I have to say, working all by my lonesome in that nice clean laundry room was quite the pleasure! I plugged in my earbuds, caught up on some podcasts, and then sang along with my favorite Pandora station (Keith & Kristen Getty and Andrew Peterson). Oh, the sweet harmonies we made! Before I knew it – everything was washed, dried, and folded!
There was an added bonus too – all that folding (essentially arm waving, right?) tricked my Fitbit into thinking I had walked over 8000 steps. Without even leaving the room!
Yep, it was a good couple of days!
Have a great weekend,friends!

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