Helping Out

There’s nothing like planning a housewarming party to motivate you to get your house in good order. And when the party is TOMORROW, it’s all hands on deck! Gary and I arrived in the morning with fresh bagels and joined daughter Lara (whose party it is) and DIL Abigail (who was able to fly in for the weekend!) in getting the house party-ready! There were boxes to empty, dusting to do, floors to vacuum, and some mac and cheese to make! One of the most enjoyable chores of the day was helping to put together some of the decorative items in the living room.
Abigail has a wonderful eye for arranging items on the wall, and then we had the great fun of opening up all the treasures Lara had carefully wrapped as they were transported to their new home.
Such a collection! Many of those items came from the home where we raised our kids (especially all those little shoes/boots – I had quite a collection!), so it was like a sweet walk down memory lane. Before too long, the shelves were hung and then filled!
One final vacuum, one last furniture placement, and voila –
A cozy living room emerges!
The Mac & Cheese is ready for the oven tomorrow, and almost all of the boxes have been emptied. This house is just about ready for it’s official ‘opening’! To add to the delight of the day, my niece and family from Michigan arrived just in time for some delicious Chinese take-out!
It was a busy, productive day. But we were working alongside precious family members, so it was all good. It was all Very, Very Good.
…But man, am I ready for bed!

Sweet dreams, friends!

One thought on “Helping Out”

  1. Great job Conrad Family! Lara, your new home looks great. Enjoy the rest of the weekend , the mac n cheese , and all that sweet help. They’re the best.

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