The People

OK – let’s get going on some reunion talk!! Of course, the most important part of any reunion is the people who come! This year we had quite an exceptional turnout – of the 13 cousins (our kids’ generation) all but one family was able to make it. Of the next generation (42), only three (and a spouse) were missing!  And we welcomed our first entry into the newest generation!  Our oldest attendee was Aunt Vesta – my dad’s cousin – who turned 99 this spring and joined us on Saturday.
(Sitting here with Fitz, our second oldest attendee at 80!)
Here are our youngest three – all born within 3 weeks of each other!
(The cutie on the right is the newest generation baby!)
I wish I could say I was organized enough to get photos of all the individual families, but while I got some – I did not get all. My apologies to those I missed, and here are the ones that I was able to get-

Elna w/umbrellaWe missed all those who couldn’t make it – and they sadly missed some wonderful family time.  This was also our first Big Family Reunion without my dear sister Elna – who would’ve been over-the-moon happy to see all of these beautiful smiling faces. But knowing she is well and happy in her new heavenly neighborhood helps my heart get past the “missing” and into the blessing of having  her as a sister-friend for these many years.

So PEOPLE! The Very Best part of our 2024 Dwinell Family Reunion!

Stay tuned for just what all those people did for four days!


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