Another Pond Activity

Do you see the birch tree in the header picture above? We’ve been watching that tree get closer and closer to the pond each year we come. And the concern was that it would eventually fall into the pond and then be impossible to get out of the pond.  Gary had worked on trimming off some of the easier to reach branches earlier in the summer

but knew that getting the main part of the tree down would have to wait. Since we had a good supply of 40-something men and a couple of willing teenagers around during the reunion, Gary came up with a plan that involved a couple guys in the boat,
and a brave soul willing to shimmy himself (and the saw) out over the pond.

Sometimes it takes two on the tree to get it low enough to fully cut through!
While it didn’t go exactly as it had been envisioned, our gang is great at improvisation and at the end of the day, the tree had been dispatched, no adults or teenagers or turtles were harmed in the excursion, and The Pond activities resumed.
Actually, I’m not at all sure they were ever interrupted to begin with!

Mission accomplished!

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