Three September Things

    1.  Today this happy little guy
      Noah-2 turned 14!
      What a delight it has been to watch him grow into manhood! He’s smart and kind, helpful and funny, and handsome and tall. (Yes, another grandchild has grown taller than me) Happy 14th Birthday, Noah! You’re our favorite 14 year old on the planet. We love you so!
    2. These youngun’s
      are celebrating their 53rd anniversary today!

      We’ve re-upped for another year – so we’ll see how it all goes!
      Gary & Steph - 53 years (still with that goofy grin!)
    3. We started work today at Camp Nathanael! We are the only SOWERs this month, but there are lots of other volunteers here all getting ready for the Pioneer Days/Outdoor Education program which begins on Thursday here at the camp. Looks like this month my days will be filled with cornbread, quilting and kids! I’ll let you know how it all pans out!!

So it’s been a pretty good start to the month! Family celebrations, interesting SOWER activities ahead, and the part for Lizzie has been ordered!! There is so very much to be thankful for, isn’t there?
Thanks for stopping by!

4 thoughts on “Three September Things”

  1. Happy 53rd, Lovebirds!
    And, Happy 14th BD, Noah!
    Blessings galore to all (including Lizzie!)
    Bill and I are limping in to 55th tomorrow.
    We will be remembering Paula Dwinell and Michael Walsh and George Smith before we go out for lunch. Wish you could join us at The Black Bass in Lumberville on the Delaware .
    God has been so good! ????????????

  2. So happy you have joined us this fall for Pioneer Days! You have both been a great help!! Grateful for you!!

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