Tag Archives: college

When did we blink?

I’m not sure just how it happened, but those two little peanuts in the picture above are leaving for college this weekend. While it’s not a surprise that they are off to college – Ellie is a senior and Hayley is a sophomore –  it just seems like we blinked and these spunky little girls

grew up into these beautiful women.
We had a lovely brunch outing with them this morning and were so thankful for the chance to catch up with their lives and their hopes and maybe even their dreams! Oh, and we had some pretty fine food too! We may not see them in person for many months to come, but we keep them close in our hearts and lift them always to the throne of Grace.  And – we have their mailing addresses! Nothing like a little snail mail when you’re in college, right?
UntitledWe sure do love you, girls! Praying you have a great year at school!