Tag Archives: Family Reunion

The Logistics of it all!

The question was asked – “How do you do a 70 person reunion at a one room cabin?” And that’s a very good question! The first year we tried an Dwinell Family Reunion at the cabin (2012) almost everyone stayed on the property. We even drove the RV up there (first and last time, might I add!)! Tents dotted the lawn, and along with our motorhome, there was also a little pop-up camper.
I loved that plan – those early morning coffees and late night conversations when the grounds were quiet were some of my favorite times.
But as our crew grew (37 that first year vs 68 this year)

having everyone stay on the property just wasn’t going to work. Only two families stayed in tents in the ‘yard’,
Untitledone family started out in their camper next to the cabin, but moved to a nearby campground, and the rest of the families found accommodations in the area with the help of the VRBO and AirBNB websites (or went to their nearby homes!) And as much as I missed those early morning conversations, I know that everyone enjoyed going home to a flush toilet and an indoor (and a bit more private) shower!
Speaking of those type of facilities – we also rented two porta-johns
Untitled to augment our newly redecorated outhouse, along with a tent for our outdoor seating and meals.

That’s probably enough about the basic logistics and such for tonight! I’m still sorting through pictures – so I’m sure there will be more Family Reunion photos and stories in the days ahead!
Have a great weekend, friends!