Tag Archives: Getting Ready

The Last Day

We leave Heartland tomorrow morning, so today has been filled with –

One last load of wash -Check
One last trip to Costco – Check
Gotta stock up on snacks!
One last lunch under $4 – Check
One last trip to Aldi – Check
(We are heading to a small town in Kentucky and the closest supermarket seems to be about 20 miles away, so we needed to stock up on all kinds of provisions!)
One last stop at a local POI (Point of Interest) that we’d somehow missed – The Groovy Plant Ranch. Now I have zero need for any plants at the moment – but it was still a pretty fun ‘ranch’ to stroll through!

Wash is put away, dishes are done and breakables stowed. The desk drawers are bungeed shut, the awnings are pulled in, and the outside ‘stuff’ has been returned to their storage positions. Looks like we’re just about ready to hit the road! Tomorrow Gary will do the final un-hooking of the utilities, I’ll finish securing the inside, the slides will come in and the truck will get hooked to the back of Lizzie and off we’ll go!

Next up – Camp Nathanael in Emmalena, KY. I wonder what God has in store for us there!!

Thanks for coming along this month as I tried to do a post every.single.day. Whew! (Hope it wasn’t too annoying!) I expect the pace next month will slow down because I’m not at all sure about my connectivity options while we’re there!

But there’s still tomorrow….