Tag Archives: Lawn mower

Day 1b

We’ve had a lot of ‘first day on the job’s in the last 20 years. Yesterday was, technically, our first day on the job here at Heartland. But instead, we started our first day here –
Yep – it was an early morning trip to the local ER. He was having some weird symptoms over the weekend, and it just seemed wise to check things out. As ER visits go, it went pretty smoothly. Our longest wait was for the results of the CT scan (all negative, thank you, Lord), and we were back at the RV before lunch! In fact, Gary went right to work upon our return! Of course, his job this month will mostly involve this –
He kept his day short, but I think he felt good getting started at least a little bit on time!
My boss told me to take the day off, so I started today. And just like there is lots and lots of grass for Gary to mow, there’s plenty of job security for me too!
I don’t know if I’ll be in the laundry the entire time, but it is a job I am fully qualified to do!
So while it was bit of a different “first day on the job” for us, all is well! We may never know just what was going on with Gary – but I’m thankful we were able rule out anything serious.
And the project continues…