Tag Archives: memorabilia

Whittling down the memories

When we set out on our RV adventure, we essentially moved from a 3500 sq. ft. house to a 300 sq. ft. tin can. Needless to say, we got rid of a LOT of stuff. But still, there are always things you hold onto. For a while our ‘need to keep’ stash lived in our friends’ basement. We thinned it out considerably when we moved it to our son’s house in Ohio. When Lara moved to Ohio and had a little more room at her house, we thinned out the remnants one more time and moved everything into her basement.  Now that we have a small home in Texas and she was in the process of moving, we thought it was the perfect time to finally take possession of the Grams and Pops tubs.  Yep – after all this time we had reduced our ‘need to keep’ items to three large blue tubs and one smaller clear one.  One and a half of those tubs were filled with T-shirts. (Pretty sure (someday) I’ll be making a T-shirt quilt (or six).)  The other contents were old pictures (including some wedding albums!), memorabilia from college and our dating years, baby books (ours!), goblets that were wedding presents to my parents, some teddy bears, and my wedding dress!  This afternoon we sorted through the bins,  found some things that could be thrown away, and moved the remains into four watertight bins.

After all, these need to travel with us for two more months until we get back to Texas.  I’m leaving it to Gary to figure that one out, but I know it won’t be inside the RV!
We also found a birthday card the kids gave to Gary back in the 90’s. Aside from two cards Gary sent me when we were engaged, it was apparently the only other card that seemed worthy of saving.
and inside…
Truly a classic!

It was a quick sort, but it while Gary was repacking all those T-shirts, I was having quite the stroll down memory lane.  Once we get those bins to Texas, I’ll be giving things a more careful review. I guess if I can’t figure out who the folks in the pictures are, our kids never will!

But for now, it’s late, and Gary really did go to bed hours ago! Better head that way myself!
